Feeling overwhelmed? - Here’s how to get your project started
Written by Catherine Seagrave
I know the feeling well - so much to do, no time to do it, and no idea even how to do it! That’s how my Monday mornings often feel juggling work and family life!
When starting a project in your home, it can feel like a month of Monday mornings all at once - the feeling of being overwhelmed can be paralysing. As the mountain of decisions builds, you lose motivation and any passion you once had for the project quickly fades. Designing your home can feel really hard!!
This week we’ve been asked for help by a customer who is suffering from the ‘big white box phenomenon’ - a beautiful big new build property which is currently nothing more than a series of white rooms. It’s so easy to feel intimidated when you’re staring at this enormous empty house and you want to make it your home.
Another customer we’ve spoken to this week has had a large kitchen extension, and although they have made many decisions and are in the final stages, they have hit burnout. They have lost motivation to finish the project and are simply out of ideas.
Choosing colour schemes, furniture and accessories can be exciting and fun, but it is also a responsibility. You want to get it right, you don’t have endless time to research it, and your budget is tight - all adding to the pressure. And then there is everyone around you that also has an opinion, and wants to offer their advice - and your partner who has completely different ideas to you! The enormity of the task can be overwhelming.
Does this sound like your situation? Are you struggling to start (or finish!) decorating your home too? If you don’t know where to begin and the thought of making decisions leaves you feeling confused, you’re not alone! It can be a very daunting task.
So if you’re stuck and don’t know where to begin, here are some simple steps to break down the process and get you started on creating a home that meets your needs in the best possible way.
Start with issues, not solutions
When you ask us at The Living House for help, we start with asking lots of questions. We want to work out what the problems are and what you need. The start is not the time for solutions, but getting all the problems out on the table. Are you tight on space? Is the room an awkward shape? Is it low on natural light? Do you need lots of storage? Who uses the room? What can’t be changed - an awkward radiator, or TV in a certain place? Working on your specific issues first is key to getting a home that fits your needs perfectly.
Ready to get started on your project? Click here for our friendly expert help!
Plan methodically
Maybe planning isn’t the most exciting part, but it is essential for success! Think methodically about your room in terms of floor, walls, ceiling, lighting, windows and furnishings. Make a list of items to keep, items you need and any work that needs to be done. You can turn this into a shopping list and add some initial costs beside it to give you an idea of budget.
Think about your style
Not many people can identify their style (in fact we’ve written a blog on how to!) so this often starts with asking questions again, to try to figure it out. How do you want your space to feel? Do you want it to be bright and welcoming? Do you want it to be cosy and relaxing? Do you like pattern? Use your answers as a guide to choosing a style. Spend some time identifying style elements you love in different Pinterst images and browse Instagram for inspiration. Figuring these things out now will make it much easier to choose the items you’ll need to bring these ideas to life later.
If you don’t know where to start, or need some inspiration, let us help you! Simply click here.
Create a moodboard
Now that you know how you want the room to feel and what functions it needs to fulfil, it’s time to gather inspiration and ideas! We have a great blog telling you how to create a moodboard yourself. Take a look here.
Stay focused on your style – too much inspiration can be distracting! Use the moodboard to narrow down your colour scheme ideas and look at furniture you love and consider how it all looks together.
Get started!
You’ve identified what you need, what your style is and you’ve seen how it can work together, so it’s finally time to pick up a paint brush and place some orders! Your vision can start to take shape. And now that you have broken it down into smaller steps it becomes much more manageable to achieve.
Hang artwork last!
One last tip - hang your artwork last!!! Only when everything else is in place will you know where your pictures need to be placed.
Do you struggle to visualise how your room could look? Click here - our Midi Living package is the perfect solution!
And finally - know when to ask for help
If you do feel out of your depth, seek expert help. At the Living House we can advise you on how best to spend the money you have and help you to avoid costly mistakes. The earlier you involve us in your project, the better. We can work closely with you to create a unique and beautiful space where everything comes together as a cohesive whole - to your style and budget.
We can bring clarity to the project and an impartial voice, and become your design buddy to talk it through with and help make sense of the muddle!