The Lived in
Simple paint ideas for your living room
Choosing a paint colour for your living room can feel overwhelming, because there are so many different decisions you need to make. Your living room is most likely one of the main hubs in your home, a place you enjoy as a family and to entertain guests, therefore, you want to get it right. We have shared our expert paint ideas and tips that you can use for your living room.
Hanging Curtains? Avoid making these mistakes
For most of us, the biggest challenge with curtains is how to hang them. We often see the same mistakes made over and over, and they are easy to avoid.
6 tips to make your room look bigger - our favourite ways to create a feeling of space
I think with the excess of Christmas still fresh in my mind, the need for the feeling of space in my home is high on my agenda. Christmas seems to fill every available corner with clutter (sorry, decorations!) and the addition of a huge tree in the living room means a rejig of all the furniture until I feel I’m falling over stuff, or children, or cats all of the time!
How to add instant personality to your new build
A new build home is at the beginning of its life, it’s box fresh! And this can be a great thing, and it can present some challenges. Here we are going to show you how you can add personality and life to your new build to make it a home.
Interior design tips for selecting the right blind
There are so many blinds available - every colour, pattern and style possible. So where do you start when choosing a blind for your window? It can be hard to know what you need, or want.
Dark vs light wooden blinds: which should you choose?
This week we have a guest blog from Blindsbypost who are the UK's number one blinds online retailer and manufacturer.