The Lived in
Small budget big impact changes for Autumn
The kids are back at school (sigh of relief!), the nights are drawing in, and there is that feeling of change in the air. Autumn is fast approaching!
Our top 5 most frequently asked interior design questions - and our answers to them!
We get asked questions about interior design all day every day - and we love it! There are some questions that continually crop up over and over again. In this week's blog we have compiled a list of our most frequently asked design questions.
Our top 10 favourite affordable rugs
This week it’s all about rugs! We have searched far and wide to bring you a roundup of our top 10 favourite rugs - which of course are affordable too!!
Online Interior Design - is it right for you?
Moving interior design to an online service is a fairly new idea. So what exactly is it and what are the benefits?
Interior design tips for selecting the right blind
There are so many blinds available - every colour, pattern and style possible. So where do you start when choosing a blind for your window? It can be hard to know what you need, or want.
Dark vs light wooden blinds: which should you choose?
This week we have a guest blog from Blindsbypost who are the UK's number one blinds online retailer and manufacturer.
Choosing the right rug size for your room
There are many, many different rugs on the market - every colour, shape and size imaginable. So how do you go about choosing the right one?
Feeling overwhelmed? - Here’s how to get your project started
I know the feeling well - so much to do, no time to do it, and no idea even how to do it! That’s how my Monday mornings often feel juggling work and family life!
When starting a project in your home, it can feel like a month of Monday mornings all at once - the feeling of being overwhelmed can be paralysing. As the mountain of decisions builds, you lose motivation and any passion you once had for the project quickly fades. Designing your home can feel really hard!!
Don’t think you can afford an interior designer? Here’s why you can’t afford NOT to use one!
You’ve moved into your new home. It’s taken almost all your savings and now you need to furnish it and transform it into your home on a tight budget. You feel with no money to spare, getting help from an interior designer would take a large chunk of your cash and be a luxury you can’t afford. You’d have to go without essential items or risk compromising on the look you want. And why spend extra money on a designer when you can do it yourself? Right??
9 Design Mistakes to Avoid in a Small Bedroom
Nearly every home has one… a small bedroom! Sometimes it’s the spare bedroom or junk room, but very often in modern homes every bedroom can be on the skimpy side. And it can be a really tricky space to design without looking cluttered or cramped, or just boring. We have seen many mistakes made in these little rooms - so we wanted to share with you 9 of the most common for you to avoid.
Our top 5 favourite outdoor rugs from I Love Rugs
Summer is right around the corner (no, really it is!!) and if this past year has taught us anything, it's to enjoy the outdoors and appreciate our gardens!
How we can save you money by creating your style for less
Have you ever seen your dream interior in a magazine or whilst scrolling Pinterest and think - I would love to achieve that look in my home, but it might also leave you feeling that it’s out of your budget or looks too hard to achieve. That’s where we can help you…
Making great first impressions with home fragrance
Lily and Faith are a family run home fragrance company, hand pouring wax melts, candles and diffusers. Their scents make an impact on you straight away and fill your home with fantastic smells. Here they give their top tips on how to use candles and diffusers to make that all important first impression in your home.
Living with Becky
Hi, it's Becky from The Living House. Each month we want to let you know a little bit more about us and the people behind our brand.
Keep reading to hear how I made inexpensive updates to my first home.
Tips for creating your perfect bedroom
At the Living House we have designed hundreds of bedrooms for people and there are some fundamentals that you need to get right from the start. Here we share some of our top tips for creating a relaxing space.
2021 best of outdoor living trends
It’s that time of the year when everyone starts to turn their focus to all things outdoors and think about the garden!
5 Ways Home Fragrance Compliments Your Interior Style - Guest Blog by Lily & Faith
Smell is such a strong, important sense. When we talk about interior design we tend to focus on how things look and feel, but how they smell is key too. And let’s face it, every home has its own unique scent and some do smell better than others!!
Living with Sophie
Are you living at home still? Me too!! Here are some ways that you can make your room feel more like your own, and tips for buying items that will still be useful in your future home.
Why you need an interior designer
I love interior design - I guess that’s a given! I really am in my happy place browsing Instagram and Pinterest, soaking up all the photos of beautiful inspirational interiors.
Supermarket Sweep - the best of the supermarkets
Supermarkets are upping their game, and it's definitely worth checking out the homeware aisles for some hidden gems at affordable prices.