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Case Study Sophie Clemson Case Study Sophie Clemson

Interior Design Q & A, part 3

Everyday we meet lovely customers and chat to them about their homes, and their design problems and dilemmas. And although every customer and every home is unique, there are also themes to the questions that we get asked. Below we have answered 5 questions that have cropped up recently in our chats to customers.

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How To Sophie Clemson How To Sophie Clemson

Understanding our 6 step interior design process

Interior design can seem very complex, especially when you know what you want but have no idea how to achieve it. And as a potential customer of ours, it’s understandable that it seems complex. That’s why you’re asking for our help!

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Case Study Sophie Clemson Case Study Sophie Clemson

Interior Design Q & A, part 2

Everyday we meet lovely customers and chat to them about their homes, and their design problems and dilemmas. And although every customer and every home is unique, there are also themes to the questions that we get asked. Below we have answered 5 common questions that have cropped up recently.

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How To Sophie Clemson How To Sophie Clemson

What is Online Interior Design? Is it Right For Me?

“It’s been a nightmare to find help, I don’t have £1,000’s for an interior designer.”

“I’ve never had interior design help as I thought it was only for people who earn millions!!”

These are some of the comments we hear from our customers. Thankfully, once they have discovered online interior design, they realise they can shake off these beliefs and get some great help!

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